Discover How Mosaic Tiles Increase Home Value
Just like beauty, value is in the eye of the beholder. The more we appreciate something, the more it has value in our eyes. Thus, when you add tile to a home, it not only increases your home's resale value, but the homeowner themselves can appreciate an increased sense of value in the home too. Thus, whether you are going to sell or not, adding mosaic tiles to your home is a sound investment choice. Here is how mosaic tiles increase home value for you and a potential home buyer.
#1 By Upgrading Kitchens and Bathrooms
Modern living often means congregating in kitchens or spending time in a spa-like bathroom. Obviously, these areas are not easy to maintain with so much traffic and a wet environment, unless they are tiled. Mosaic tiles can provide the hard surface needed for durability and also make flooring and walls impervious to water. In addition, they add beauty unequaled by other types of materials. Look at this stunning bathroom design. Wouldn't it make you want to hang out in your bathroom all day?

Mosaic Waterjet Medallions - View Details>>
#2 Mosaics Add Beautiful Protection to the Home
Hallways and hotel lobbies have one thing in common: Heavy foot traffic. Mosaic tiles don't just help keep moisture from attacking the floors and walls, but they also serve to make areas in your home last a life-time - no matter how many people walk through your doors! The designs don't fade and can last up to 50 years or more! That makes this tiled hallway, incredible durable and an almost timeless beauty.

Linear Mosaic Tile - View Details>>
#3 Increased Curb Appeal
Stone tiles, like limestone, are excellent for outdoors as well as indoors. Winding stone tile walkways and stepped entrances add huge curb appeal to an otherwise boring design. It can make your house stand out and entice would-be buyers to enter the home to see what else is inside. Curb appeal increases the home value by creating more demand for your home while making a homeowner proud to have the best-looking house on the block. Even in a desert, you can find instant curb appeal adding a stone tiled pathway to your door.

#4 Add an Impressive Entryway
Once you got the homebuyer coming to your front door, imagine their delight to come into a stone tiled entryway. It really amps up the elegance of a home, in particular if the entryway has a high ceiling and a winding staircase too. It immediately tells visitors that they are not in an ordinary home. It adds a sense of grandeur and style to living for those who reside in the home as well, just like in this design.

Mosaic Medallion - View Details>>
#5 Pool Mosaics Are Very Popular Too
Not all pools add value to a home. In fact, selling a home with a pool can be seen as a liability unless it meets certain criteria. The home with the pool should be in a high-end neighborhood where most people have pools because of the prevailing hot climate. If it doesn't take up your entire yard, and there is still room for greenery, then you could attract a buyer willing to pay up to 7% more for your home, according to HouseLogic. To enhance the potential for a sale, include pool mosaics, like this one to really differentiate your pool from all the other pools in your neighborhood. You could transform your pool from plain to a giant underwater aquarium, if you choose.

Aquatic Mosaic Murals - View Details>>
#6 Even Backsplashes Can Pay You Back
You don't have to go as far as adding a pool with mosaics or even doing flooring to get some return on your investment. There is ample evidence that just adding backsplashes can add just the right touch to increase your home's sale price and give it a more high-end feel. It can be a simple design or something more ornate, like this fruit mosaic mural that serves as a backsplash behind the stove, thus elegantly framing the space and making it more aesthetically-pleasing.

#7 Countertops
If you want to go even further, mosaic countertops in the kitchen and bath can also add drama and elegance to your rooms. They are also not especially difficult to install and they make it easier to maintain these spaces. Marble mosaic countertops add a lot of value to a home, but will need to be sealed against spills in kitchens and bathrooms. However, there is no denying that a marble tiled countertop is highly appreciated by people who want a luxurious feel in the home. Here is a mosaic ornamental backsplash with an accompanying marble countertop for added star power.

Ombre Mosaic Tile - View Details>>
#8 Mosaic Tiles Add Unique Designs to a Home
You can use mosaic tiles to create unique designs that don't look mass-produced and dated. It can infuse a breath of fresh air into the home and even add light and color via reflections. Waterjet technologies make it possible to create stunning medallions that are unique to your home, like this design.
Mosaic Medallion - View Details>>